Friday 5 September 2014

Baby Shower Gift Ideas

As a last post in this series - Baby Showers. What do you buy that won't just get popped in the trash?

  1. Cloth Nappies. Modern Cloth Nappies (diapers) are becoming hugely popular, which is wonderful for our environment as well as much healthier for baby bums. But it can also be a huge investment to get started. Receiving a couple quality covers or package of prefolds is a huge help.
  2. Baby Soap/ Nappy creams. Try and buy local and natural. A good quality product is worth it's weight in gold.
  3. Restaurant gift cards. Some days it’s just a juggling act and to have dinner taken care of is a complete relief. Grocery store gift cards and coffee shop gift cards are also very nice to receive.
  4. Spa Packages. Being a parent of a new baby is pretty exhausting. Most days are considered a success if everyone got fed and mom got a shower. Giving a massage, hair appointment or facial/manicure/pedicure are all great gifts that celebrate the mum.   
  5. White Noise maker. For first time parents, it’s nice to have baby used to noise while sleeping, so parents can vacuum, have the doorbell ring or talk on the phone while baby is napping and not worry about waking baby. It’s also great for the baby with older siblings, so baby can nap and the siblings can play.
  6. Baby Proofing. Plug outlet covers are great, or a baby gate.
  7. Camera. If you know the parents well and know what their camera situation is, this is an excellent idea.  Having a nice camera makes a big difference in picture quality.
  8. Photo Session. There are many wonderfully creative photographers these days, and having sweet pictures of your family is really special.
  9. Pamper with Smells. Gift an essential oil diffuser and a bottle of essential oil. 
  10. Blankets. Just to warn you, most babies get a lot of blankets. But a good quality swaddle can be a life saver- these swaddling blankets are fantastic.
  11. Books. It’s never too early for books.
  12. Clothes. Ok, I’m going to be honest here: people love baby clothes and love buying baby clothes. The issue is that most of the clothes they give baby, just aren’t practical. I always had plenty of dresses for my daughter and cute sweater vest outfits for my sons, but what I really needed were some basics: Sleepers, bodysuits, pants, socks, a jacket and wool tie-on hat. Think ahead about what size you buy for what season, a summer baby won't want a summer dress in size 6 months!
  13. Meals. Dinners are great, but if the family has a good support network and is receiving meals, how about some easy breakfast and lunches? Yogurt parfaits, granola, artisan bread, butter and jam or bagels and cream cheese are lovely gifts. 
  14. Doula Service. If mom hasn’t given birth yet, doulas are amazing to have with you, Dad’s particularly love this gift. An experienced doula will help set the new parents mind at ease, and assist any support people in helping mom the best way possible.
  15. A voucher for a cleaner for the first few weeks. Getting out of bed is hard enough in the first few weeks, knowing that someone will come in and vaacume and clean the toilet can be a big relief.
  16. Offer to babysit the older kids. A day at the park or the museum so mum and baby can just sleep. 
  17. A older sibling bag of goodies. simple activities and books/puzzles to keep the older ones occupied while mum tends to the baby.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Interesting Gifts for Adults

How hard is it to buy for that adult in your life that HAS EVERYTHING?! Here are some different ideas that won't just sit around and gather dust!

  1. Gift cards. For some this may be too impersonal, but it is a great way to support local sales, rather than the big multi-national companies. Suggestions: Local Farmers market, local coffee roaster, restaurants.
  2. Get creative. Make pillow cases with fabric that resembles their interests. Knit or crochet wash clothes for their kitchen or nice wool socks.
  3. Give color coded towel sets. Using their favorite color or monogram each person’s towel. Make sure you buy quality, thick, large towels.
  4. Events. Tickets to a play, concert, dance or sports event, yearly membership to a zoo, museum, children’s museum, science center.
  5. Natural skincare. Find a local supplier of handcrafted items.
  6. Food items. Homemade is coveted by many. Homemade jams, jellies, quick breads, cookies, candy and jerky are great. For the real food friends: Peanut Butter Bites, Sprouted Lentils in a jar, dehydrated fruits and veggies make a beautiful gift. Who wouldn’t love a jar of dehydrated chili peppers? An excellent coffee or wine is enjoyable if you don’t have time to spend in the kitchen, many times you can find local options.
  7. Lessons. Often times people are interested in learning a musical instrument, dance or taking a photography, art or quilting class, but don’t splurge on themselves.   
  8. Give a gift of love. Safe drinking water, animals, food, medical care, etc. for those in need around the world. CompassionWorld Vision and Samaritan’s Purse are great organizations and have many gift options.
  9. Service. A gift certificate for car-detailing, manicure & pedicure or a message. An AA membership.
  10. Magazine subscriptions. There are many many choices - find one to fit with their interests.
  11. Give time. Homemade gift certificates for a coffee date, game of checkers, babysitting or a walk through a park.
  12. Joint activities. Give a cookbook and ingredients for a dinner. Set a date to cook together. This works for adults as well as children.
  13. Give a family photo or family portrait session. Most grandparents just want an updated family photo, perhaps one from each family, or photography session over the holidays when all the extended family is together and a group photo can be captured. A calendar made with special photos of family members is wonderful as well.
  14. Heirloom seed packs are great for the avid gardener or an essential oil starter kit for those interested in natural healing.